Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Testing Testing...

I made no new years resolutions this year. Thinking that they are pointless and mostly left in the dust around February, I brushed off the idea and went into January with relatively low expectations for 2012. I had just had a baby in November and knew that this year of maternity leave from work would mostly encompass diaper changes, puke clean ups and sleepless nights. But as January began to unfold I was presented with great opportunities to embrace this year and really challenge myself. So I began thinking about last year and all the things I didn't do.

I didn't grow much spiritually. Sure I read some good books and did Bible readings, but it still wasn't the meat I've been craving. By December I was anxious to move on to bigger things God would have for me. I longed to reach out to friends I've lost along the way and mend relationships. I longed to serve others in a significant way and see God change hearts around me. I longed for my faith to grow. I longed to fear God more.

I didn't grow in the health department. Of course being pregnant is an excuse for not losing weight, but it can also be an excuse for putting whatever you want in your mouth, and then at the end of 9 months you have bad eating habits and a belly full of jelly (not baby).

I didn't grow in friendships either. This sounds strange but I continued to have superficial relationships with people and feared sharing too much of my heart.

So with much thinking and prayer, I have decided that this year I'll try and Do things. I want to look back on 2012 and be proud that I moved forward and accomplished goals I've set out for myself. Hopefully this can be a good place to share this journey, so here's to 'gettin her done'!

1 comment:

  1. I'm excited to follow with you on your journey Audrey! But believe me when I say I admire you and look up to you. At the same time I consider you one of my dearest friends. I am confident that God has big things for you this year :)

    Love you!
