Monday, May 28, 2012

Case of the Moundays

1. I spent 11 hours this weekend painting the bathrooms at the church and my back is killing me.  I can`t even lift my arms in the shower to wash my hair.  I don`t mean to complain and I love helping out at the church, but our `spring cleaning`event really did me in.

2. Despite 11 hours of painting, calorie counting, swimming twice and feeling hungry a lot I still somehow GAINED a pound.  Not sure why, the math doesn`t make any sense.  Calories in and calories out.  But alas the pound is there now...for two days in a row.

3. I have my first race in 5 days and I have had no practice runs in a whole week.  I`m not ready for it, I`m nervous for it and I`m feeling sluggish.  But today I will get out and do 10K to know that I`m capable and ready to get it done.  I`m quite sure my grumpy Monday is directly related to lack of butt moving but I still somehow can`t seem to get back into the swing of it.

4. Can I please take a moment to discuss how horrible Telus customer service is.  They don`t know what they`re doing or how to fix anything.  So they are sending a guy out to fix it, but my house is a disaster so basically they set me up to clean my house.  shame on them.

5. Summer is right around the corner and I still feel too chub to wear the cute summer clothes I had dreamed of.  Little sun dresses, cute hats, shorts that don`t look like they are for men, tank tops without 2 layers of them to hide muffin know, things that look cute on thin people.

6. now my computer is doing that weird thing where every time you want to make a question mark it just makes a É .  I`m so computer dumb that the only way I know how to fix it is to turn off the computer and start it again.  Feeling fat and dumb really sucks.  So with that I`ll sign off for Monday and hope to report a better mode post run.

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